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Grants in Rare Liver Disease
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SPARK is an exciting program established by Albireo

to identify and drive forward improvements in the quality of care for rare liver diseases.

The program will cover both progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC) and Alagille syndrome (ALGS) in 2023.

About the SPARK grants program

SPARK is designed to encourage new ideas for best practices in patient-centered care within rare liver diseases.

Applications should cover sustainable, innovative, replicable projects, which improve the standard of care of PFIC and ALGS and optimize the care pathway, for example, by:

  • Measurably improving the time to diagnosis
    • e.g. identifying rare PFIC sub-types; adult onset PFIC including episodic or idiopathic presentations
  • Measurably reducing the time between diagnosis and the initiation of appropriate, high-quality care
  • Measurably improving the standard of care of patients
    • e.g. improving cross-functional working; continuity of care; serving remote populations

Examples include but are not limited to: initiatives to support case finding, audit, screening, education and awareness.

The application process

  • The deadline for 2023 grant applications is Sunday 15th October.
  • All applicants will be informed of the outcome of their applications in December 2023, with funding to start in early 2024.

About Albireo

Albireo, an Ipsen Company, is a global pharmaceutical company focused on the development of novel bile acid modulators to treat rare pediatric and adult liver diseases. As a leader in bile acid biology, we leverage our expertise in bile acid modulation with the goal of providing hope for families by delivering potentially transformative medicines.

Visit the Albireo website

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© 2023 Albireo Pharma, Inc. | Job bag no: GL-NP-23-00003  | Date of preparation: May 2023